
Royan Biotechnology Incubator Center seeks out ambitious individuals with strong scientific expertise and a passion for entrepreneurship to join our community and develop successful businesses. By applying for admission and after going through the admission process, these groups can benefit from the support services of the growth center.

Advantages of being located in the Growth Centers for Technology Units
  • Obtaining a workspace with special discounts and access to general administrative services
  • Communication with other innovative units to create a dynamic and synergistic environment, and benefit from their opinions and cooperation opportunities
  • Access to training courses to familiarize units with the business environment
  • Receiving financial, legal, and laboratory consulting services, helping companies become knowledge-based
  • The possibility of receiving financial aid and investment
  • Introducing the products of established technology units to organizations and stakeholders during meetings and attending exhibitions
  • Reducing the risk of activity by taking advantage of discounts and opportunities

The process of accepting units in the Growth Centers
Individuals, working groups, or companies with innovative ideas (It is a service or product that the technology unit intends to create or develop during the period of deployment in the Growth Centers.), can apply for a placement in the Royan Biotechnology Incubator Center by completing the admission worksheet available on the Growth Centers 's website and submitting the required documents.
After receiving the applicant's documents and initial review if the documents are complete and the applicant's idea aligns with the Growth Center's activity areas, the Growth Center requests the managers of the unit to participate in the meeting of the Technology Council of the Royan Idea-Centered Biotechnology Growth Center and present the market situation and their growth plans. The acceptance of companies or cores is based on their scientific and specialized abilities, as well as their business plans and ideas. The council will evaluate the set of documents and speeches presented by the managers of the units, and ultimately decide on the possibility of establishing the units in the growth center.

Pre-Growth period:
This course provides guidance and training for entrepreneurs to start businesses and establish an independent legal identity. The pre-growth period for the technology cores lasts six months, and they are driven to register the company and evaluate/prepare their original idea for market entry. The pre-growth period can be extended up to 3 months with the approval of the head of the growth center if the unit needs it. During the pre-growth period, technology units are required to prove and complete the central idea, form a working group, and present a work plan to enter the growth period.
During this period, technology units must provide a work plan, and active presence, participate in educational courses, workshops, and consultations, and focus on their central idea.
Once a technology unit completes the evaluation and approval process by the Technology Council, it becomes eligible to enter the growth period. The Technology Council of the Growth Center reserves the right to terminate the unit's activity if it fails to comply with these obligations, and duties based on its judgment.

Growth period:
After completing the pre-growth stage and registering the company, the technology unit moves into the growth stage. In the growth period, the technological unit should become an active and successful legal entity from economic and innovative aspects by working on its central idea. During this period, the company must be able to supply its services or products while keeping up with scientific and technological advancements to compete with other providers. During this period, in addition to economic growth, the company must have found a favorable situation in terms of organizational structure. The maximum time in this period is three years. The company may request to extend the growth period up to two years, which is subject to the approval of the Technology Council of the Growth Center.
The companies are committed to submitting progress reports periodically to the center. Companies must submit a report on their legal obligations, including insurance payments and taxes to the growth center, related to their employees. Participants during the growth period must attend educational workshops and consultations.

Absentee deployment:
Technological units can also be established in the growth center in absentia. All admission procedures for these units are the same as for other units, except that they are not physically located at the growth center based on their needs. In addition to taking over the workplace and receiving related services, these units can also benefit from other benefits.
